Monday, September 3, 2007

Something Lost

I often comment about being caught up in the drudgery of our daily lives. But something I have only recently started noticing is how we can actually lose important things by not paying attention to where we are going. Marriages can be damaged when we forget what made us fall in love in the first place. We turn around and our children are suddenly grown while we worked so hard just to make sure they had every thing we thought they needed. Friends become virtual strangers.

I am sad to say that in my case I have lost myself. It has been such a long time that I have had to worry about my family and their needs, that I have forgotten my own. Don't misunderstand what I am trying to say. I want to take care of them, and I am the one who has chosen to carry that load. But, I have done it at the expense of my spirit, my self-worth, and my sanity. It has been a dark and lonely path at times, yet I was always confused as to why it was happening.

The light has finally come on, and I am understanding now what I have to do to find ME again. First, I am a child of God and I desperately need to be close to him. Sure I talk about Him, but He hasn't been an active part of my life for some time. Second, I accept that I am NOT Superwoman, and I do not have the physical strength to do everything. Third, I deserve to treat my body with dignity and respect, including eating healthy and exercising. Forth, I the midst of providing fun and enjoyment for my family, I must also find it for myself, even if I have to be alone to do it. As you may have guessed, I am trying to get back to painting. It brings me so much happiness when I am doing it, and I can actually make a little money for the family at the same time. So, I think I will start posting pictures of some of my work each time I blog. I hope you enjoy them.

I pray that in the days ahead you will look at what might be lost in your life. You may not have realized it was even gone. Just remember that the best way to give all of yourself to others is to make sure you are complete and whole to begin with. And always look for ways to...

Keep it in perspective.

1 comment:

Sendy said...

Okay, thanks for making me cry! I'm afraid I'm in a whirlwind and falling down a hill, loosing myself (now after reading your post). I am really enjoying all that we are doing, but I really do wonder, where am I?
Just trying to keep it in perspective...